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  • Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS)

    Calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) by clicking the costing panel within a recipe portion: You can also analyse COGS by switching to the COGS tab in the tracking panel.  Here you will see a series of columns tracking costs per portion on the menus, including: Please note this is a Premium feature. If you … Continued

    Last updated: 27th August 2024
  • Meal Ordering (Food Industry)

    If you are interested in adding meal ordering to your Nutritics account, please contact This guide will cover: If you have not already built up your menus in Nutritics, please see our guide on menu creation here. OUTLET SET UP To enable ordering on your account, you must first set up your outlet in … Continued

    Last updated: 8th July 2024
  • Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

    On a menu you can use our monitors to forecast performance and calculate total waste costs.  These will now be the ‘Default Forecast’ figures for the menu. If you’re analysing in advance you can export the menu out to generate an inventory list. Click Export to > Shopping List and the appropriate servings will populate … Continued

    Last updated: 22nd May 2024
  • Tracking Menu Interaction

    By enabling interaction tracking on your menu, each menu click and item view will be recorded. This information combined with time stamps within Nutritics or your own sales data can help to provide valuable insights into customer preferences and menu choices. To enable interaction tracking on a menu: The interactions can be accessed by clicking … Continued

    Last updated: 24th April 2024
  • Scheduling Menus

    To schedule menus to go live in advance, open a menu and click on the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen: Click on the publishing tab and select ‘Publish On Scheduled Dates’ from the dropdown menu: Click apply to save your settings, a pop-up will appear summarising the menu scheduling details. … Continued

    Last updated: 30th April 2024
  • Paper Menus

    Create summary tables for your menus displaying a list of meals (see our guide on menu creation), complete with calorie, sustainability, pricing and allergen information: Click Export to > Allergen Table within your menu to generate a this report: Once generated you can print the menu (1) or download it as a PDF (2) using … Continued

    Last updated: 24th April 2024
  • Meal Ordering (Clinical Setting)

    If you are interested in adding meal ordering to your Nutritics account, please contact This guide will show you: If you have not already built up your menus in Nutritics, please see our guide on menu creation here. If you have not already created a patient profile in Nutritics, please see our guide on … Continued

    Last updated: 30th April 2024
  • Content Explorer

    The Nutritics Content Explorer is a structured folder view that gives you an overview of all records in your account. Depending on your Nutritics edition, the Content Explorer will appear as a panel on the left or right hand side of your screen: If you have the My Foods or My Recipes tabs open, you … Continued

    Last updated: 23rd April 2024
  • Accessing Your Menus

    All menu sharing options are available from the ‘Sharing’ tab of the menu settings. Menu settings can be accessed by opening a menu from the Nutritics Content Explorer. Click the slider icon in the top right corner of the screen. Sharing options are accessed by clicking on the ‘Sharing’ tab: From within the sharing tab, … Continued

    Last updated: 23rd April 2024
  • Building A Menu Cycle

    Multiple menus can be grouped together to produce a full scheduled plan for any number of weeks.  Click the ‘+New Menu Cycle’ button at the bottom of My Menus in the Nutritics Explorer and name the new cycle: Existing menus can now be added to this folder by dragging and dropping, or a new menu … Continued

    Last updated: 23rd April 2024