Fable Food Co
Fable Food Co.
Find out how Nutritics helped Fable Food Co. to create labels which were compliant with the requirements for each country it operated in, streamlining their day-to-day tasks.

Fable Food Co
Company background
Founded by fine-dining chef, chemical engineer and mycologist Jim Fuller, organic mushroom farmer Chris McLoghlin and former Shoes of Prey co-founder Michael Fox, Fable Food Co. is committed to helping people make food choices that are better for their health and the environment. Based on Australia’s Sunshine Coast, Fable Food Co. makes plant-based meat from foraged shiitake mushrooms, using no GMOs, preservatives or artificial ingredients.
The result is meaty, umami-rich and versatile, and has even been endorsed by Heston Blumenthal. “The reason I use Fable in my restaurants is that the product is unique, impressive — I love it. You’ve got these mouthwatering juices, there’s a level of richness, there’s a sort of deeply satisfying taste, and it’s also got this whole umami meatiness to it.”
Fable also recently appeared on season two of Down to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix, taking Efron on a foraging journey through the Australian pine forest. The crew spent the day learning about the nutritional and medicinal benefits of mushrooms and how the mycelium networks created by fungi are crucial for the health of our planet.
Nutritics was delighted to announce a new partnership with Fable in 2022. Here, we speak to Monica Wen, Operations Manager, about the role Nutritics has played in streamlining the labelling process at Fable.
The challenge
Regional labelling needs
While Fable Food Co. already has their products tested and evaluated for the nutritional panels on their food labels, they had started selling in new markets and were struggling to adapt to the variations in labelling requirements across different countries.
“Creating our labels more easily was the main reason we really needed Nutritics,” says Monica. “We wanted to have the control to be able to create labels that look the way we want them, while also meeting the standards and labelling requirements for different countries.”
She explains that, before they brought Nutritics on board, they were wasting a lot of time on manually creating labels for each separate country. “We had to use an Excel sheet to create a template for each label, which was slow, so we were really hoping that Nutritics would simplify the process.”
Our solution
Nutritics’ label maker is a fully intuitive design tool that lets users build anything from a plain rectangular label all the way through to custom branded and shaped packing labels. Nutritics software uses a simple ‘drag and drop’ system, making it easy to add, remove and rearrange labels including nutritional information, allergens, ingredient lists, retail price, barcodes, nutrition and health claims, dates of duration and more. The system offers a range of templates, or — like Fable — users can build their own custom layout, ensuring that their branding remains on point.
This opportunity for creativity is coupled with complete peace of mind when it comes to compliance with food label laws. Nutritics Label Maker supports EU, FDA, FSANZ and SA formats, with seamless converting in between. “We currently sell in Australia, the UK and the US,” says Monica, “so it’s great. My favourite thing is having the ability to generate labels for different countries using the same data. Nutritics can just convert the labels automatically. It makes life so much easier.”
Nutritics is a recent addition to Fable Food Co., so they’re still in the process of collecting hard data on its impact — but Monica can already feel the change in her day-to-day work. “It’s user-friendly, and I can play with all the layouts and settings. We have everything we need for the labels, right there. It’s easy to stay on brand for Fable while also meeting all the labelling requirements for each country.”
Why not see how Nutritics can streamline your workflows? Easy to use, cloud-based, and with the most comprehensive set of food reference databases available, Nutritics is developed by technologists and regulatory experts, specifically for use within the food industry.