Supplier Management

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Supplier Management System

Access a live database of ingredients directly from your suppliers, giving you consistent food data across your multiple sites.

Real-time, science-backed

and seamless.

Seamless data, from farm to fork

Nutritics’ supplier management system provides a direct link between you and your supplier. We support the transfer of real-time food data including costs, carbon footprint and nutritional data, creating a more seamless supplier management relationship.

Consistent Supplier Information

Data is uploaded from suppliers, if an ingredient is changed or reformulated using a live product feed. Add your costings and internal codes to supplier foods without disruption to your existing foods or recipes.

Real-Time Updates

The supplier management portal makes it easy for suppliers to share real-time information with food service operators, ensuring your customers receive accessible and accurate food information.

Food Data Backed by Science

Built-in accuracy and reliability checks mean that recipe information is kept up-to-date, giving you assurance that the nutritional and allergenic profile of your dishes is robust.

Comprehensive Supplier Onboarding

Our customer team and product experts will support your suppliers showing them how to load their product catalogue to our supplier portal, ensuring that there’s no disruption to your existing foods or recipes.

Supplier Management Success Stories

With our supply chain link, we’ve helped businesses globally to seamlessly bring ingredient changes into their recipes and menus automatically.


As Nutritics has a number of location-specific databases, we are able to access an entirely different US database to assist in our American menu development. For our Food Team in particular, this is making the transition a lot easier.

Anca Ghitescu, Technical Manager
Holroyd Howe

The automated element of Nutritics software helps us take away some risk, particularly around the substitution process. We know that will be flagged to us and can then be managed to keep students informed and safe.

Amy Roberts, Managing Director of Operations

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my ingredients into the system?

This can be done in several ways, none of which require any intervention from the food business, as Nutritics takes care of that alongside your suppliers.

We would typically provide your suppliers with an account to our Supplier Portal, this allows them to batch upload their product catalogues and then we give you access to build recipes with this data.

For larger suppliers such as Brakes and Bidfood, we connect via API to automatically sync to their product catalogues, meaning a completely seamless transfer of your food data, into your recipes.

What makes your supplier portal different from others?

A lot of systems give free rein to suppliers to upload whatever they want, without interrogating the data they upload. Nutritics is different in how we make sure that the information is correct and safe. Through machine learning, AI and big data we quality assure the data they upload to protect you and your customers from harm, by rejecting any information we flag as incorrect or needing review.

Where do you get the data from?

Nutritics holds one of the largest food databases in the world (1.6 million products and growing) that you are welcome to use, but we would recommend using data provided directly by suppliers. This means that you as the operator do not need to manipulate or make changes to the data, as it is an exact match to what you purchase.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. We charge a nominal admin cost to your supplier and not the food business, which means it is free of charge as part of your Nutritics account.

What happens when ingredients change?

You will be notified within your Nutritics account if a supplier delists, makes any product change etc, so that you can be sure you are always using accurate up to date information. Now we understand that across a multisite operation, there will be varying stock levels of old products around the business, so each location can pause any changes until they begin using the new product.

Awards & Recognition

EuroFIR Gold Standard Certification for recipe management process


United Nations Global Compact Participant


Tech 4 Good – Sustainability Award


Outstanding Achievement in International Growth Award
