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Libro Mobile App from Nutritics

Get the most out of Nutritics meal plans and diet logs with Libro.

Intuitive, convenient,

easy to use & analyse.


Libro is a mobile AI assistant who helps you keep track of your health and lifestyle goals. With the smartphone app you can track nutrition, exercise, sleep and any other lifestyle parameters. As a nutrition professional, you can see your clients’ data directly into to your professional account saving you time and improving accuracy.

Intuitive and easy to use

Libro includes visual aids, prompts and reminders, and users can even make logs by voice. Available as a free download for Android and iPhone – download now here.

Advanced AI

Built in AI automatically suggests what you have previously eaten based on the meal occasion, allows users to ask nutrition-related questions, and create recipes for inclusion in logs or for fine tuning by you as their nutrition professional. 

Synchronised Clients and Professionals

Customise your clients’ macros, calories and other nutrients based on their individual needs (e.g. age, weight, health conditions, activity level) that will show as goals on their individual app’s home screen. The client’s diet log is available for import into Nutritics in one click for analysis and feedback. Send the analysis report and feedback directly from your Nutritics professional account to the client’s smartphone.

Awards & Recognition

EuroFIR Gold Standard Certification for recipe management process


United Nations Global Compact Participant


Tech 4 Good – Sustainability Award


Outstanding Achievement in International Growth Award
