
foodprint logo


Foodprint is an easy-to-use carbon and water footprint scoring, display and reporting system. Engage in better procurement practices to reduce environmental impact, improve margin and appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.

Footprint scoring, integrable

and accurate reporting.

Measure, target and reduce your environmental impact with Foodprint

Foodprint, Nutritics’ cutting-edge carbon calculation tool, enables you to calculate food impact information across your business and display transparently to consumers on your menus and food labels.

Foodprint can also show you the nutritional factors, costs & margins and allergens, all in one place. Measure and report on your food’s carbon and water footprint using our 30+ country specific databases whilst also keeping an eye on the commercial benefits. 

Footprint provides convenience with a simple to use platform but also the data to help you source cheaper and more sustainable ingredients whilst replacing costly LCA consultants.

Measure Environmental Impact

Total transparency over the environmental impact of your recipes with real-time updates, allowing you to tailor ingredients to reduce the impact your dishes make.

Use our Knowledge Labs consultancy service to begin understanding your goals and objectives, and with our experts, use datasets, strategies, and policies to achieve them.

Developed for Chefs

Foodprint was developed for chefs and operators, making it intuitive and easy to use, with automated reformulation prompts for recipes.

Increase Profit Margins

Foodprint provides you with a reliable Scope 3 environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and carbon labelling system, designed to help you engage in better procurement practices to reduce environmental impact and improve margins.

Data Backed by Scientists

Combining peer reviewed life cycle assessment (LCA) academic research with support from our sustainability experts, you’ll have transparent, accurate data at your fingertips.

Drive Repeat Customer Footfall

Build consumer trust by displaying your carbon footprint score on packaging, dishes and promotional material. Future proof your business by acting now on an issue where demand is set to intensify.

Foodprint coloured carbon labels showing different carbon footprints: low, medium and high. Low is green, medium is yellow and red is high. Chef cutting food in a restaurant kitchen Graphs on a laptop screen Vegetables Waitress helping customers with the menu

Foodprint Customer Testimonials

Don’t just take it from us

With Foodprint, we’ve helped businesses globally to monitor and report on their carbon footprint.

“The system enables report generation on carbon emissions resulting from food service, aiding in tracking progress towards long-term carbon reduction targets. Moving forward, we’ll be able to pull reports on the amount of carbon generated as a result of the food that we serve in total as Aramark or for specific clients.”

Michael Savage Director of Sustainability at Aramark

“We can actually understand where our hotspots are, so we can focus on buying less of a product or a more sustainable, low-carbon product. And we can then encourage our chefs and managers to make better choices in terms of structuring their menus.”

Mike Hanson Director of Sustainable Business at WSH

“I attended this event to learn more about what we can do to engineer a more positive carbon output through our food. I learnt that we are not alone! Many other organisations are attempting to understand the best way forward. “


A transparent future for foodservice businesses

Download free report

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Nutritics offer a free trial of Foodprint?

Yes absolutely – we offer a hands-on free 7-day trial so you can see for yourself how we can help you solve the food data challenges you face as a business. You can sign up here.

Where do you source your data?

Foodprint uses the most reliable data available and all results provided can be linked back to peer reviewed LCA academic research, supported by our sustainability team.

Will this track my business's carbon footprint?

We automatically calculate the carbon and water footprint of your food supply chain to manage your purchasing and Scope 3 non-financial reporting requirements.

Once your recipes are built, carbon and water footprint scores are available. Changes made to foods, recipes and suppliers are updated in real time.

How do I show our customers the work we do?

Education is absolutely key to Foodprint, by helping people understand the impact of their food choices. We use a range of tools, such as: colour coded scoring guides, QR scan codes, digital signage, information on menus and much more. Throughout these methods, you can take your customers on a journey that will help them understand the impact of their meal.

Can I use this with my existing recipe management system?

Absolutely, Foodprint will soon be available on the Nutritics API, which means that we will be able to plug into your existing systems, to give you all of the same world class information, without having to undertake the costly and timely exercise of rebuilding all of your recipes.

Awards & Recognition

EuroFIR Gold Standard Certification for recipe management process


United Nations Global Compact Participant


Tech 4 Good – Sustainability Award


Outstanding Achievement in International Growth Award


Helping food businesses on their journey to net carbon zero

Foodprint is an easy-to-use carbon footprint scoring, display and reporting system that helps food businesses to save time and money spent on life cycle assessment (LCA) consultants.

  • Total transparency over the environmental impact of your recipes

    As you enter recipes into Nutritics, your Foodprint score is updated, taking into account the environmental impact specific to each ingredient. Changes made to foods, recipes and suppliers are updated in real-time, allowing you to make changes to recipes to reduce their impact on the environment.

  • Supporting you on your journey to net carbon zero

    Foodprint enables foodservice operators to better understand the impact of the food they serve, from field to fork, and supports environmentally-conscious decisions related to their dishes.

  • Improve your sustainability profile while reducing costs

    Foodprint provides you with a reliable Scope 3 ESG reporting and carbon labelling system that will help you to reduce cost and enhance your sustainability credentials.

  • Foodprint combines the latest research with cutting-edge technology

    Foodprint uses the most reliable data available and all results provided can be linked back to peer reviewed LCA academic research, supported by our sustainability experts, featuring: transparent data sources; progressive methodologies based on the best available data; and locally specific food data for accurate outputs.

  • Bring customers with you on your sustainability journey

    Displaying your carbon footprint score on packaging, dishes and promotional materials builds trust and loyalty, bringing your customers with you on the road to net carbon zero. Help customers make more informed decisions using Foodprint and label printing services. Attract customers looking for more sustainable options.

Measure footprint

Fully automated, transparent and easy-to-use carbon footprint scoring system.

Easy automation

Automatically calculate your carbon footprint score per dish in line with the most advanced research.

Sustainable data

Proprietary algorithm developed by computer scientists and experts in sustainability research.

Automated changes

Automatically receive real-time feedback on changes made to foods, recipes and suppliers.

Promote sustainability

Display system – add sustainability score to packaging, dishes and promotional materials.

Sustainability reporting

Reliable Scope 3 environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and carbon labelling system.

caterers filling containers with pudding

Gain greater carbon visibility

Foodprint works on both sides of your business. It helps to keep your employees more informed and connected to your sustainability goals.

Gain greater visibility over the carbon footprint of your supply chain. See how changes to your supply chain trends over time. Understand the impact of your purchasing and how your changes are affecting the environment.

waitress serving food in a cafe

Build brand loyalty and trust

Displaying your food sustainability score on menus and digital displays offers your customers complete transparency.

Carbon footprint score can be included on packaging, dishes and promotional materials. Sustainability score helps customers make more informed decisions. Build trust in your brand and take customers with you on your sustainability journey.

life logo from the EU

Co-funded by the European Union

The LIFE Programme is an EU fund dedicated to projects which encourage environment and climate action. LIFE helped to fund Climate Smart Chef, which produced Foodprint as an outcome.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.