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gourmet cheese
| Food Labelling

How to Know if Your Business is Exempt From Providing Nutrition Declarations

From the 13th of December 2016, you are required to provide a Nutrition Declaration on pre packaged foods in the EU according to Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. If you are a small business and only providing your products locally, you may be exempt from providing a nutrition declaration on your food product packaging.  The following is a … Continued

image of broken egg shell
| Hospitality Operations

How to Know if Composting is the Right Choice For Your Restaurant

Food waste has become a topic for increasingly urgent discussion within the hospitality and foodservice sector (HaFS). Foodservice businesses are responsible for a significant 26% of the 931 million tonnes of global food waste every year estimated by the UNEP 2021 Food Waste Index. This burdens waste management systems and is a major contributor to the … Continued

image of a coffee shop
| Sustainability

How to Make Your Café or Coffee Shop more Sustainable

The UK’s branded coffee shop market is now worth £4.9bn and has grown 11.9% over the last 12 months. With approximately 25,000+ coffee shops in the country across branded and independent operators, there are promising signs of growth for the sector, despite the recent challenges from cost-of-living pressures and the longer-term impacts of lockdown.  Consumer … Continued

woman smiling while at desk
| Food Labelling

How to Fulfil EU Food Labelling Requirements

Nutritics offer allergen management and nutrition labelling solutions to help food businesses comply with new requirements – we took a look at the new EU food. labelling requirements. What do the new rules mean for food businesses? The European Commission is responsible for publishing harmonised rules for the provision of food information across member states. … Continued

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nutritics on a laptop
| Hospitality Operations

How to Ensure Accuracy in Your Recipe Calculations

Obtaining accurate nutrition information for recipes is a complex process. Nutrient calculations are based on:  Factors that alter nutrient content during preparation are:  It is always best to obtain an accurate recipe yield by weighing the final recipe after cooking; however, this is not always practical. Nutritics is developed with the best practice and industry … Continued

two people eating food in a restaurant

How to Encourage More Plant-Based Choices in Your Restaurant

It’s no secret that the rearing of livestock contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than the production of any other food. Reducing consumption of meat and dairy is one of the most significant ways in which individuals can minimise their own personal carbon footprint, and demand for plant-based options is increasing every year in most Western countries.  For foodservice … Continued

two women looking at laptop in a cafe
| Food Labelling

Sustainable Food Choices – How to Empower Both Your Business And Your Customers

A move towards a sustainable global food system is urgently required for the sake of the planet — so it’s no surprise that consumers are demanding more sustainable food choices, products and services.  “Businesses that have a strong purpose, that understand how they can make society better, will be embraced by society and will be around for … Continued

country of origin australia labels
| Food Labelling

How to Create Australian Country of Origin Food Labels in Minutes

Country of Origin Food Labelling (CoOL)  Under the new Country of Origin Food Labelling Standard 2016, most food for retail sale in Australia must be labelled with a country of origin.  Nutritics facilitates all types of CoOL formats, including horizontal and vertical layouts for the Standard Mark (two and three component), and Country of Origin Statements. … Continued

How to Choose the Best Dishes For Your Menu

Whether you’re revamping your existing menu or building a new one from scratch, it’s smart to be strategic about which dishes you include.  In this article, we share a straightforward menu analysis process that will allow you to see which menu items are best serving your business, which ones might need some work — and … Continued

savings pot with coins in

How Switching to Digital Menus Can Save You Money

With costs rising across the board, saving money is a top priority for food businesses this year. The good news is that switching to digital menus can help: not only can they reduce your costs in a number of ways, but they even have the power to boost revenue, too. Read on to find out how … Continued

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