94% of staff consider a company’s social and environmental responsibility when choosing a place to work – staff sustainability is a relationship which is growing in importance.

And more than four in five (84%) professionals are more likely to stay in a hospitality job for longer if their employer has a positive environmental impact. Keeping your sustainability strategy up-to-date and visible can help with retention, helping to save costs and reduce the turnover of your staff.

Sentiment towards sustainability has changed in the last ten years, with the publicity surround carbon zero strategy, the impact that food and meat has on the environment, and waste in plastic packaging all now far more prominent in the news agenda. Consumers are also increasingly seeking out sustainable businesses, with menu publishing tools now allowing restaurants to show, and back up, their credentials when it comes to carbon.

Want to learn more about hospitality employees’ attitudes to sustainability, and best practice tips to improve environmental action in your business, click the button below to download the full report.