Welcome to the latest instalment of our Staff Spotlight blog series, in which we get to know the lovely Nutritics team. This time, we’re catching up with Megan Ratcliffe about how her career brought her to Australia, embracing the tech industry and learning to balance work and motherhood.

Tell us about yourself — what has your career path been to date, and how did it lead you to where you are today?

My sales career started in London, working in exhibitions. I worked hard (and partied even harder!), but after a year of saving all my commission I headed to Sydney for an intended year’s travel and work. From there I grew within exhibition sales, finding my love of people management and helping businesses launch and grow — sometimes with multi-million turn over!

Once I gained my permanent residency, I made the leap into tech. I ran the Promoted Placement team at Menulog (the Aussie Just Eat brand), learnt fast and was exposed to international stakeholders. Suddenly, my one-year trip to Australia had turned into nine (!) and next came my biggest career challenge to date: becoming a Mum! In hard lockdown and closed international borders, it certainly required resilience, but it was the most rewarding role yet. 

Now I find myself at Nutritics, balancing work and Mum life. I continue to develop people, work with international stakeholders and watch businesses grow with the help of our technology. It’s certainly not boring!

How long have you been part of Nutritics? 

One year. I can’t believe it!

What attracted you to the company?

The culture. From the get-go, I have always been treated like a human instead of a payroll number. My stage in life is embraced rather than challenged. Despite it being 2022, I still feel very fortunate to work for a business that truly represents equality in the workplace.

What’s your current job title, and what does your role entail?

I am Team Leader of ANZ. This involves a bit of everything: discovery and solution demonstrations with clients, managing a local team and reporting back to head office in Ireland when it comes to trends and the support required on the other side of the pond.

What do you like most about your job?

I like working with people and seeing them develop. My colleague Harry came to us straight out of university, and he had a great attitude but lacked experience. It’s been so great to watch him become a capable SDR (Sales Development Representative), and I look forward to seeing him continue to grow in his career. 

What’s your favourite thing about working for Nutritics?

I really feel we are at the forefront of technology. The work we are doing with Foodprint is amazing; I truly believe we will make a difference and lead the way in this space. 

How do you define success?

Happiness. Success is doing what makes you happy. Of course, it’s important to surpass your KPIs too!

Tell us one thing you’ve learned in the last month — work-related or otherwise?

The power of a strong discovery session to empower a solution demonstration to a client. And when it comes to toddlers, pick your battles!

What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

Be kind, but don’t be a pushover!

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love hanging out with my wild toddler and partner at the beach. We are just a short walk away and it’s so nice to head down there after a busy week and enjoy the Aussie sun. 

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

Tim Tams (for the ‘poms’ reading, it’s similar to a Penguin bar).

Where’s your favourite place in the world?

Home. I don’t get there much these days, but it’s so great to catch up with family when I do. 

What are the three words that describe you best?

Loyal, empathetic and resilient.

What’s the one food you cannot resist?

My Dad’s roast potatoes, with far too much gravy!

Tell us a fun fact about you that not many people know.

I got my dual citizenship with Australia and Britain just before I turned 30!