Welcome to the second edition of our Staff Spotlight blog series, in which we introduce one member of the lovely Nutritics team in each post. This time, we’re chatting to Kate Daly, our KAM Team Manager, who has been with us for nearly six years. 

Tell us about yourself — what has your career path been to date, and how did it lead you to where you are today?

My career was a little varied before I settled in Nutritics. I studied science for four years in Trinity College Dublin and specialised in physiology in my final year. I knew I wanted to study food with physiology in more detail, so I completed a Masters in Sports Nutritics in the University of Ulster, commuting to Belfast for two years. When I finished, I couldn’t find a job in nutrition, so I started working in a bank; I loved it and ended up staying for a few years. Then I started freelancing as a nutritionist for local sports teams and in gyms before I joined Nutritics.

How long have you been part of Nutritics?

I’ve been with Nutritics for almost six years. I joined as employee number five.

What attracted you to the company? 

I was working as a freelance nutritionist, using the software myself when I met some of the Nutritics team at a conference. They were super friendly and approachable and seemed very passionate about the company, so I contacted them about a job and haven’t looked back since.

What’s your current job title, and what does your role entail? 

I lead our KAM (Key Account Management) team in supporting our enterprise customers, engaging directly with key points of contact to help attract, manage and retain key relationships.

What do you like most about your job? 

The variety and flexibility – no two days are the same – and getting to work with a brilliant team. The clients and projects we work with can be very exciting too!

What’s your favourite thing about working for Nutritics? 

The people – they are without a doubt the reason I’m still here.

How do you define success? 

To me, success is achieving your potential in whatever you’re doing. In my current role as a manager, success is defined as reaching our team goals to help deliver on the company growth strategy. The KAM team aims to add value for our customers, which in turn means adding value to Nutritics.

Tell us one thing you’ve learned in the last month — work-related or otherwise? 

At our recent summer event, we brought the entire company together. We got to meet people in person after working with them (online) for over a year. One of my colleagues had recently been to Serbia and had some dinar notes still in his wallet – before that, I hadn’t known the currency of Serbia.

What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far? 

The best things happen when you’re outside of your comfort zone. My MSc supervisor gave me that advice after I graduated and it stuck with me – it was the eventual kick I needed to leave the bank and pursue a career in what I am passionate about.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? 

I love being outside – I’m lucky to live close to the Phoenix Park in Dublin. I love running (I’m always the one organising the staff relay races), the gym and cooking when I have the time to properly enjoy it. I’m really excited to travel again and start ticking some places off my bucket list, too.

What’s one thing you can’t live without? 

At the risk of choosing the obvious, it’d have to be food. I get so much enjoyment out of baking with my son or cooking for friends at the weekend. Cooking helps me relax during the week too. I see food as fuel for everything that I do, so try to choose wisely (most of the time). At the weekends, I love visiting new restaurants, especially for cuisines I haven’t tried before.

Where’s your favourite place in the world?

Hard to choose but I’d have to say Cape Town, South Africa. The food is amazing and there is so much to see and do. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate when we visited for our honeymoon, but I’m determined to visit again soon to climb Table Mountain.

What are the three words that describe you best? 

Friendly, driven and organised.

What’s the one food you cannot resist? 

Definitely chocolate!

Tell us a fun fact about you that not many people know.

I’ve been trying to complete the Dublin marathon for the past four years, but between over-subscription, pregnancy and covid lockdowns, it’s still on my bucket list.