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image of wind turbines in a field

3 Key Focus Areas For Bringing Sustainability to Your Business

Water, waste and carbon are three key areas that have a direct impact on the long-term wellbeing of the planet. While we all bear some responsibility as individuals, it’s unquestionably industry that drives the highest levels of consumption. Conserving water, eliminating unnecessary waste and cutting carbon emissions in your business is primarily about minimising your … Continued

image of a tractor from above harvesting a field

How Can Food Businesses Cut Scope 3 Emissions in Half by 2030?

If you’ve heard that food businesses need to reduce scope 3 emissions, you may be wondering what this term actually means.

image of a basket of fresh fruit and vegetables

Waste Not: How to Reduce Kitchen Waste

Read on for advice on how to achieve a real reduction in the amount of food waste produced in your kitchen.

photo of someone washing their hands with suds

5 Tips for Cutting Down on Water Use in Your Food Business

Conserving water in your business isn’t just about minimising your environmental impact, but can also reduce operating costs.

photo of woman examining pepper on a farm

10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Buying Local

10 compelling reasons to choose ingredients sourced from local suppliers.

photo from above of people eating food at a large table

10 Ways to Make Your Restaurant More Sustainable

We share 10 straightforward practices you can implement to make your food business more sustainable

image of tofu on a plate

What is tofu? – A beginner’s guide to sustainable, meat-free alternatives

We look at whether tofu is sustainable as a food.

Chocolate bar with chunks broken off

World Chocolate Day

What’s the environmental impact of cocoa?

image of a table of fresh healthy foods

New Report Shows UK Consumers are Hungry for Sustainable Food

New research shows that consumers are in favour of making sustainable food options more available and easier to access

cooked English breakfast with fruit juices

How Hotels Can Reduce Food Waste at the Breakfast Buffet

The breakfast buffet is a prime target when it comes to reducing food waste in hotels.