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food in meal prep containers

Back to School (and work) – how to make your lunch more sustainable

And just like that, the great British summer draws to a close. The halcyon days of the ever-lasting summer holidays become a distant memory and for children and adults across the land, the reality of returning to school, and work, starts to hit home.  It’s not all doom and gloom though. September and the gradual … Continued

question mark in a fogged up window

Answers to Your Top Questions about Our New Carbon Tracking Technology

We’re incredibly proud of Foodprint, our brand new, fully automated, easy-to-use carbon footprint scoring, display and scope 3 reporting system for food businesses.  On Wednesday, June 22nd, we were thrilled to mark its official launch with an interactive webinar, ‘Your Foodprint – Carbon Tracking Made Simple’. We hope you found it useful and informative.  If … Continued

bottles of water in plastic with lemons

A simple introduction to Net Zero within hospitality

Do you work within hospitality and foodservice and want to have a better understanding of your supply chain impact as well as the environmental footprint of the food you serve? Today we speak to our sustainability lead here at Nutritics, Laura Kirwan, who gives an introduction to Net Zero and provides some useful tips for … Continued

2023 written in the sand on the beach

6 Smart New Year’s Resolutions for Your Sustainable Business

If you’ve been thinking about bringing a new ethos of sustainability into your business, the beginning of a new year provides a useful impetus to get started — especially if your organisation will be affected by the impending EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Here are our suggestions for achievable New Year’s resolutions that your business can … Continued

image of wind turbines in a field

3 Key Focus Areas For Bringing Sustainability to Your Business

Water, waste and carbon are three key areas that have a direct impact on the long-term wellbeing of the planet. While we all bear some responsibility as individuals, it’s unquestionably industry that drives the highest levels of consumption. Conserving water, eliminating unnecessary waste and cutting carbon emissions in your business is primarily about minimising your … Continued

image of a tractor from above harvesting a field

How Can Food Businesses Cut Scope 3 Emissions in Half by 2030?

If you’ve heard that food businesses need to reduce scope 3 emissions, you may be wondering what this term actually means.

image of a basket of fresh fruit and vegetables

Waste Not: How to Reduce Kitchen Waste

Read on for advice on how to achieve a real reduction in the amount of food waste produced in your kitchen.

photo of someone washing their hands with suds

5 Tips for Cutting Down on Water Use in Your Food Business

Conserving water in your business isn’t just about minimising your environmental impact, but can also reduce operating costs.

photo of woman examining pepper on a farm

10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Buying Local

10 compelling reasons to choose ingredients sourced from local suppliers.

photo from above of people eating food at a large table

10 Ways to Make Your Restaurant More Sustainable

We share 10 straightforward practices you can implement to make your food business more sustainable