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image of broken egg shell

How to Know if Composting is the Right Choice For Your Restaurant

Food waste has become a topic for increasingly urgent discussion within the hospitality and foodservice sector (HaFS). Foodservice businesses are responsible for a significant 26% of the 931 million tonnes of global food waste every year estimated by the UNEP 2021 Food Waste Index. This burdens waste management systems and is a major contributor to the … Continued

image of a coffee shop

How to Make Your Café or Coffee Shop more Sustainable

The UK’s branded coffee shop market is now worth £4.9bn and has grown 11.9% over the last 12 months. With approximately 25,000+ coffee shops in the country across branded and independent operators, there are promising signs of growth for the sector, despite the recent challenges from cost-of-living pressures and the longer-term impacts of lockdown.  Consumer … Continued

two people eating food in a restaurant

How to Encourage More Plant-Based Choices in Your Restaurant

It’s no secret that the rearing of livestock contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than the production of any other food. Reducing consumption of meat and dairy is one of the most significant ways in which individuals can minimise their own personal carbon footprint, and demand for plant-based options is increasing every year in most Western countries.  For foodservice … Continued

two women looking at laptop in a cafe

Sustainable Food Choices – How to Empower Both Your Business And Your Customers

A move towards a sustainable global food system is urgently required for the sake of the planet — so it’s no surprise that consumers are demanding more sustainable food choices, products and services.  “Businesses that have a strong purpose, that understand how they can make society better, will be embraced by society and will be around for … Continued

food and menu on a table

How Menu Language Makes a Huge Impact on the Popularity of Plant-Based Dishes

Research shows that simple changes to the language on your menu can massively increase the likelihood of customers choosing plant-based dishes over those with meat. Not only is this interesting from a consumer psychology angle, but it has real ramifications in a world where meat-free meals are increasingly relevant. In this article, we share four so-simple ways … Continued

cup of coffee

How green is your cup of coffee?

The London Coffee Festival takes place this weekend, a mecca for those searching for the perfect cup of caffeine. Whether you like a classic Americano, a powerful espresso-to-go or something frothy and loaded with syrups, the UK now drinks approximately 98 million cups of coffee a day. Café culture has exploded in the past decade, … Continued

image of a wheat farm at sunset

How Foodprint Can Make Climate Action Easy for Your Food Business

Now is the time for every business to measure and reduce its environmental impact. Supply chains are a critical component of this, as scope 3 emissions represent a significant chunk of industry’s overall carbon footprint. Within the hospitality and food sector (HaFS) in particular, the importance of this area cannot be overstated; WRAP estimates that scope 3 … Continued

close up of woman putting food waste in bin

How Food Businesses Can Help Tackle Australia’s Food Waste Issue

Globally, as many as 811 million people were impacted by hunger in 2020 and nearly one in three (2.37 billion people) did not have access to adequate food. While global hunger continues to rise, it is estimated that one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. This amounts to about 1.3 billion tonnes of food annually.  Food waste … Continued

picture of the world as a place mat between a knife and fork

How do you balance nutritious & sustainable diets?

The global syndemic, a term encompassing both the challenges of malnutrition, including underweight, overweight & obesity and micronutrient deficiency, along with the degradation of environmental and natural resources, has become one of the most critical issues of our time. With food production accounting for the use of 48% and 70% of land and fresh water … Continued

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Have You Heard the Term ‘LCA’? Life Cycle Assessments, Explained

If you’ve been doing research into making your food business sustainable, you may have come across the term ‘life-cycle assessment’, ‘life-cycle analysis’, or LCA. In this article, we break down what this term means, how it relates to carbon emissions and what it could mean for your organisation.  What is a Life-Cycle Assessment? Life-cycle assessment … Continued

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