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Introducing Nutritics 6 – Customer Resources

We’ve developed new features in-line with customer feedback and market direction, which will transform how Nutritics benefits food businesses. Nutritics 6 addresses the increasing pressure on chefs and technical teams during menu cycles, the need for speed, accuracy and cost control, plus the need to lower the impact of carbon across food service.  Key features … Continued

carbon emissions coming from chimneys

To offset or not: is carbon offsetting worth it? 

While our role is to provide customers with manageable data to help them on their path towards responsible sourcing, we’re often asked, when discussing sustainability with foodservice and hospitality businesses, whether carbon offsetting is worthwhile.  There has always been debate around their effectiveness, but it was shocking to read that a Guardian investigation showed more … Continued

close up of pan in commercial kitchen

Nutritics and Brakes Partner on New Foodservice Offering, Virtual Chef Online

Nutritics have announced a new partnership with Brakes, the UK’s leading foodservice provider. Nutritics and Brakes have joined forces to launch a one-stop solution called “Virtual Chef Online”, an advanced, groundbreaking suite of online recipe and menu management tools for foodservice operators including: The partnership will provide an exciting opportunity for food businesses to ensure … Continued

stack of menus at PEACH

Nutritics: A Very Proud Sponsor of Peach 20/20

We were delighted to be a headline partner at Peach 20/20, the UK hospitality industry’s most prestigious conference and awards. Over the course of the conference, 350 senior sector delegates heard from a roll call of industry legends, discussing the challenges and opportunities across the sector. Unsurprisingly, sustainability was top of the agenda. While it’s clear … Continued

fresh food on a plate

New Consumer Study Reveals an Appetite For Sustainable Foods

Over three-quarters (78%) of consumers say it’s important to them to buy food that has a low environmental impact. Conducted by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), ‘Food and You 2’ is a biannual survey of adults in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its purpose is to measure self-reported consumer knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to … Continued

woman smiling in cafe

Looking to attract and retain staff? Sustainability Matters

94% of staff consider a company’s social and environmental responsibility when choosing a place to work – staff sustainability is a relationship which is growing in importance. And more than four in five (84%) professionals are more likely to stay in a hospitality job for longer if their employer has a positive environmental impact. Keeping … Continued

trucks on a road

How far does your food travel?

How long was the journey of your meal, how far did your food travel? Simply put, food miles are the distance a food travels from where it’s grown to your plate, usually via farm, factory and the local supermarket or supplier.   In our latest article, we look at the environmental impact of food miles, as … Continued

cake being thrown onto the ground

Let’s say no to food waste in 2023

Food waste remains a massive issue for the hospitality and foodservice (HaFS) sector. With the UK Government targeting a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030 as part of Scope 3 Food and Drink protocols, it’s only going to become more pressing in the years ahead.  Of course, all food and drink production has an environmental impact … Continued

image of a barren desert

Why the Worst Thing You Can Do for Sustainability in Your Food Business Is Nothing

The global food industry is responsible for a substantial proportion of the climate crisis, making it clear that ‘radical, rapid change’ is required to effect a drastic reduction in carbon emissions in this sector. That said, sustainability is an unknown area for the majority of food businesses, and many lack the resources and capacity to measure … Continued

help wanted sign

Why Sustainability is So Important When it Comes to Hospitality Recruitment

For businesses in the hospitality sector, having a clear sustainability strategy is becoming increasingly important for hospitality recruitment and retention.  Today’s customer is more attuned to environmental issues and eager to make more conscious purchasing choices. According to a biannual study carried out by the Food Standards Agency in the UK, over three-quarters (78%) of consumers say … Continued

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