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Recipe & Menu Management

Our Hundreds of Recipes Will Make Meal Planning a Breeze

Searching for meal planning and cooking inspiration for your clients? You’ll be happy to hear that Nutritics has hundreds of easy and delicious recipes available, ready to use in your clients’ meal plans.  As part of our commitment to providing our users with the best tools possible, we have added hundreds of sample recipes to Nutritics — free … Continued

fresh fruit and veg in a shop

Organic September – Should your restaurant be using organic food?

Every September, the Soil Association celebrates organic food as part of ‘Organic September’… In our latest article, Laura Kirwan PhD looks at the organic food movement and whether more restaurants should be using organic food on their menus… What is organic food? Put simply, organic food is a system of food production that aims to produce high-quality produce using … Continued

combine harvester in a wheat field

Introducing Our Brand New, Best-in-Class Sustainability Tool

At Nutritics, we’re on a mission to help everyone better understand and reduce the impact of our food supply. With this in mind, we’ve created Foodprint: our latest innovation that enables the calculation and labelling of the carbon footprint of foods and recipes.  For many food businesses, implementing more sustainable business practices is fast becoming … Continued

person pointing at item on menu

5 Key Reasons Why Your Staff Should Know Your Menu Inside Out

Staff training is a vital component of ensuring quality service in your restaurant, and this should include an education around the dishes on your menu. In this article, we outline five key benefits to making sure your front-of-house team knows your menu inside and out, and outline how you can introduce this type of training. … Continued

businessman on ipad

4 Ways Your Digital Food Menu Can Encourage Upselling

Upselling on your food menu is a practice worth nurturing in your restaurant. Not only will your business enjoy additional revenue, but your customers will feel well looked after, with a meal customised to their taste. To make upselling a successful part of your operation, it needs to become a key component of your overall … Continued

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How We’re Helping to Create a Climate-Smart Food Culture

The global food system today has an enormous impact on the environment. One-third of food produced around the world is lost or wasted. On average, 70% of freshwater withdrawal is used for agriculture. Up to 37% of greenhouse gas emissions originate on the journey from farm to fork. Driven by striking statistics like these, the … Continued

nutritics on a laptop

How to Ensure Accuracy in Your Recipe Calculations

Obtaining accurate nutrition information for recipes is a complex process. Nutrient calculations are based on:  Factors that alter nutrient content during preparation are:  It is always best to obtain an accurate recipe yield by weighing the final recipe after cooking; however, this is not always practical. Nutritics is developed with the best practice and industry … Continued

How to Choose the Best Dishes For Your Menu

Whether you’re revamping your existing menu or building a new one from scratch, it’s smart to be strategic about which dishes you include.  In this article, we share a straightforward menu analysis process that will allow you to see which menu items are best serving your business, which ones might need some work — and … Continued

picture of the world as a place mat between a knife and fork

How do you balance nutritious & sustainable diets?

The global syndemic, a term encompassing both the challenges of malnutrition, including underweight, overweight & obesity and micronutrient deficiency, along with the degradation of environmental and natural resources, has become one of the most critical issues of our time. With food production accounting for the use of 48% and 70% of land and fresh water … Continued

close up of someone eating a salad

How Australian Businesses Can Stay Allergy Friendly

According to The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), food allergy occurs in around 10% of infants, 4-8% of children and 2% of adults in Australia and New Zealand. The most common food allergens are cow’s milk (dairy), egg, peanut, tree nuts, sesame, soy, fish, shellfish and wheat, but it’s possible for almost any … Continued