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Rylan Czuczman

image of a barren desert

Why the Worst Thing You Can Do for Sustainability in Your Food Business Is Nothing

The global food industry is responsible for a substantial proportion of the climate crisis, making it clear that ‘radical, rapid change’ is required to effect a drastic reduction in carbon emissions in this sector. That said, sustainability is an unknown area for the majority of food businesses, and many lack the resources and capacity to measure … Continued

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Why Sustainability is So Important When it Comes to Hospitality Recruitment

For businesses in the hospitality sector, having a clear sustainability strategy is becoming increasingly important for hospitality recruitment and retention.  Today’s customer is more attuned to environmental issues and eager to make more conscious purchasing choices. According to a biannual study carried out by the Food Standards Agency in the UK, over three-quarters (78%) of consumers say … Continued

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Why Iodine is Essential and How to Make Sure You Get Enough

It is always a pleasure to attend the Nutrition Society meetings. The quality of research presented is inspirational. We are very proud of our University College Dublin undergraduate Human Nutrition Students, who had the opportunity to present their research on portion size photography. Congratulations to both of them and to the other undergraduate students who … Continued

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What’s the Difference Between Carbon Neutral and Net Zero?

In June 2022, Nutritics officially launched Foodprint: a unique solution that gives food businesses total transparency on the environmental impact of the foods they serve. Foodprint is designed to help organisations on their journeys to ‘net zero’ carbon. But what exactly is net zero, and how does it differ from other sustainability objectives such as being … Continued

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What You Need to Know About Australia’s New CoOL Regulations for Seafood in Hospitality

What are the Seafood CoOL Regulations? Australia will soon introduce a legal requirement for Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) for seafood in hospitality settings. This means that restaurants, cafés and similar food businesses will need to provide information on the origins of their seafood dishes and products as part of CoOL Regulations. The goal is … Continued

takeaway sandwich

What Does the US FASTER Act Mean for Allergen Labelling?

What is the FASTER Act? The 2021 Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research (FASTER) Act, amongst other things, adds sesame to the list of major food allergens.  To protect those with food allergies and other food hypersensitivities, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces laws requiring food manufacturers to specify ingredients that are … Continued

takeaway donut and coffee

What does sustainability look like for food to go in 2023

After an understandable sales dip during COVID and numerous national lockdowns, food to go has bounced back with more people travelling for work and leisure.  Last year, Lumina Intelligence’s annual 2022 UK Food To Go report’ predicted that the value of the market will rise by 31.8% to £21.3 billion, whilst recent data from the … Continued

field of sheep in a field

What Does a Sustainable Food System Really Look Like?

While a desire to make sustainable choices has taken a place at the forefront of consumer decision making in recent years, it’s easy to feel more confused than ever as to what sustainability in our food system really means. With a myriad of often-conflicting advice available, ‘What should I eat to be healthy and sustainable?’ is a … Continued

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How to Create a Climate-Friendly Menu

In April 2022, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasised that the only hope of ensuring a “liveable future” for humanity is to slash carbon emissions almost in half within less than a decade, and having a climate friendly menu strategy is a key factor in this. What we eat has an enormous role … Continued

plastic bottles

What Businesses Need to Know About the UK’s New Deposit Return Scheme

A Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers will be introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in October 2025. The goals of this scheme are to increase the recycling rate for drinks containers, minimise littering and reduce negative impact on the environment, changing consumer behaviour for the better through simple incentivisation. Scotland is also introducing a similar … Continued