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Rylan Czuczman

image of a woman taking a photo of her food with a phone

7 Reasons Why Social Media is Important for Your Food Business

Restaurants and other food businesses can no longer afford to ignore social media as a marketing tool: it’s where your customers are.

image of someone working on documents on a table

A Guide on Predictive Equations for Energy Calculation

What is an energy calculation formula, and which one is best for my clients?

image of a plate of seafood mixed

6 of the Most Sustainable Foods in the World

Find out why these are some of the highest-ranking foods when it comes to sustainability credentials

image of spinach in a bowl from above

Why Most of the Iron in Spinach is Surprisingly Useless

Is spinach really the superfood our grandmothers touted? The answer is more complicated than you might think...

photo of potatoes in a burlap sack

Sweet Potato vs Regular Potato: How Do They Compare?

Sweet potatoes have been hailed as a ‘hero’ among health and fitness communities - but are they really healthier than regular potatoes?

image of a group of people standing posing for a picture as a group

Insights from the Climate Conscious Catering Workshop

Cooking up a sustainable future with Nutritics at the Climate Conscious Catering Workshop.

image of fresh foods on a board

Nutritics GB23 Food Database Upgrade: Enhancing Nutritional Insights

We’re introducing Nutritics GB23 food database, a significant enhancement in your ability to access and utilise comprehensive nutritional data.

image of tofu on a plate

What is tofu? – A beginner’s guide to sustainable, meat-free alternatives

We look at whether tofu is sustainable as a food.

english cooked breakfast with a flat white

Case study: The Classic Fry Up Recipe Reformulation

We took the classic fry up and reformulated the recipe to improve its nutritional profile, impact on the environment and cost per portion.

image of fresh foods such as salmon and vegetables from above

New Australian Food Composition Database

This database is now available to all Nutritics customers under the data source AU22.