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Rylan Czuczman

someone working on a chart using a pen

How to Make The Most of Food Composition Data

What you need to consider in order to use food composition data with accuracy.

image of a basket of fresh fruit and vegetables

Waste Not: How to Reduce Kitchen Waste

Read on for advice on how to achieve a real reduction in the amount of food waste produced in your kitchen.

photo of someone washing their hands with suds

5 Tips for Cutting Down on Water Use in Your Food Business

Conserving water in your business isn’t just about minimising your environmental impact, but can also reduce operating costs.

woman smiling while on laptop computer

How to Choose the Best Nutrition Analysis Software For You

Nutrition analysis software is an invaluable resource for the modern dietitian, nutritionist, researcher or healthcare practitioner.

image of a book which has been opened

How Do I Cite or Reference Nutritics?

Guide on how to reference Nutritics in scientific publications and assignments.

image of sandwiches on a sideboard

When Do You Have to Declare Traces of Named Allergens?

We break down the circumstances under which ‘trace allergens’ need to be declared.

photo of lasagne on a plate

Confused About QUID Labelling? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Everything you need to know about putting ingredient lists on your product labels.

photo of pastille sweets

Food Labelling Basics: What are E Numbers?

Food Labelling Basics: How Well Do You Understand E Numbers?

photo of woman examining pepper on a farm

10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Buying Local

10 compelling reasons to choose ingredients sourced from local suppliers.

photo from above of people eating food at a large table

10 Ways to Make Your Restaurant More Sustainable

We share 10 straightforward practices you can implement to make your food business more sustainable