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Rylan Czuczman

image of food having oil poured on it

Recipe Calculation: Why You Should Go the Extra Mile with our Gold Standard

Nutritics is currently the only organisation in the world to have been awarded the Gold Standard Recipe Calculation Accreditation by the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR). This accreditation endorses the accuracy of our labels, which are developed from recipes that use best practice and industry standard data to automate expected changes to nutrients from weight … Continued

avocado and spinach on toast

Go Green or Brits Go Home

Last month we unveiled the results from the Foodprint from Nutritics’ Sustainability Sentiment Index*, which unveiled some fascinating data around what we’re looking for when eating out. We found that British consumers actively want to make more sustainable choices when eating or drinking out. They also want more transparency from restaurants, pubs and bars on … Continued

stephen nolan accepting award

Get Ahead of the Curve

This week we speak to Stephen Nolan, CEO of Foodprint from Nutritics, about how restaurants, cafes, bars and caterers can get ahead of the curve by embracing carbon and water-usage labelling on their products and menus.  “We’re at a time of flux in the food and drink industry. Sustainability is on the radar of most … Continued

person holding tub with food label on the front

Front of Pack Labelling: Nutritics is Here to Help!

Front of pack nutrition labelling shows a summary of the nutrition information on the front of the product pack. Providing front of pack information is voluntary for food producers, however, if provided, it must meet the standards of National Regulations.  Front of pack labelling is an effective means of communicating nutritional information to consumers [1]. … Continued

people eating a meal with wine

Food and drink trends to look out for in 2023

2023 is just around the corner so we’re looking at some of the food and drink trends that will shape the next 12 months… Budgets tightening… As the cost-of-living crisis rumbles on, 72% of shoppers admit they are now being more mindful about what they are spending, according to @Waitrose & Partners’ Food and Drink … Continued

image of sliced bread

Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance: What’s the Difference?

A food allergy involves adverse activation of the immune system in response to specific foods. Symptoms related to food allergies have an almost immediate effect on the individual. Symptoms can range from mild to life threatening and can involve gastrointestinal upset (e.g., diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting), skin reactions (e.g., hives, rashes) and/or swelling. By contrast, food … Continued

people in a pub garden

Five ways to make your pub sustainable

It has been a tough few years for hospitality businesses, and the pub and bar sector in particular has been negatively affected by rising costs, shrinking budgets and changing consumer behaviours. In 2022, UK pub closures neared their highest level in a decade, with the recent economic downturn following on from the pressures brought by … Continued

nutritics round table discussion

Five sustainable lessons for the hospitality industry from Nutritics’ Business Leaders’ Forum

Nutritics recently hosted a business leaders’ dinner at Hawksmoor’s incredible Wood Wharf restaurant. Joined by guests from across the hospitality sector, a number of topics were discussed around the table, including what sustainability means to different businesses, the importance of engaging staff with the process and deciphering the upcoming reporting regulations.  Here are five takeaways … Continued

fish and chips

Case study: Fish and Chip Recipe Reformulation

Using a classic pub favourite — fish and chips — as a starting point, we reformulated the recipe to improve the nutrient profile, cost, and environmental impact. The final recipe aligns with industry portion size standards and is consistent with published tested recipes. Below is a summary of the changes we made. Reformulation results: nutritional … Continued

shakshuka in a pan with naan bread

Find Inspiration With Over 120 Ready-to-Use Recipes!

As part of our commitment to providing our users with the best tools possible, we have added up to 120 sample recipes to Nutritics — free of charge and ready to use, complete with cooking instructions for your clients to follow.  Meal planning has never been this easy and — with all of these dishes being … Continued

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