by Frankie Douglas, Head of Regulatory Affairs at Nutritics

As the mother of a daughter with a diagnosed food allergy, I know all too well the challenges and fear
that comes with eating out. After all, food allergens are a matter of life and death and getting it wrong
can have tragic consequences.

When Natasha’s law was introduced over three years ago, I was encouraged to see the industry sit
up and act. Through mandated ingredient declaration, we have seen significant improvements made
to food information transparency across the grab and go market, empowering consumers to be able
to make safer food choices.

But food allergens don’t just impact this slice of the market – it’s an industry wide issue – as most
recently seen through the tragic deaths of Hannah Jacobs and Owen Carey, who lost their lives as a
result of poor allergy management and labelling in the out of home (OOH) sector. Both of these cases
represent a profound need for stronger allergen management and communication in OOH
establishments, something which is likely to become a reality, as the campaign around Owen’s Law,
which calls for mandated written allergen information (such as on menus) and better and more in-
depth staff training, continues to gain traction.

Some operators are starting to put allergy management front and centre, implementing tech-driven
solutions to support in the delivery of this, however, others are slower to his opportunity so far. There
is real value in investing allergy management, and until the rest of the sector catches up, those who
do cater to food allergies are seizing a competitive advantage.

“Some 2.4 million people in the UK are officially diagnosed with a food allergy, and research suggests that 63% of young consumers with allergies avoid dining out due to a lack of confidence in allergen management processes. So, why act now, and what is the benefit of investing in allergen management and creating an environment where all guests are able to eat safely and confidently?”

Frankie Douglas | Head of Regulatory Affairs at Nutritics

Here are a few factors:

Supercharging allergy management drives loyalty and footfall
With consumers becoming more conscious of what they eat, transparency on what is in food products
is vital. Operators who put accurate and robust allergen information right at guests’ fingertips, ensure
they minimise the risk of customers becoming unwell or have a stressful dining experience. Creating a
safe and reliable environment, where customers feel confident that their dietary needs are understood
and met builds trust and customer loyalty and repeat footfall.

Boosts reputation and ensures long-term success
The rising prevalence of food allergies and the potential life-threatening consequences of exposure
demand a proactive approach to ensure customer safety. Doing the bare minimum in allergen control
can not only lead to serious health risks for guests but can also harm a restaurant’s reputation,
affecting business success. Digital menus systems are an instant solution to creating a more
inclusive, safer dining environment and opting for a platform that seamlessly integrates with your
current tech stack can also help save you time and money. However, to boost brand reputation and
minimise allergen risk further, it’s equally important that this is coupled with other protocols, such as
regular staff training and clear labelling.

Improves operational efficiency through real-time supply chain management
A digital supplier management system enables both single and multi-site operators to react swiftly to
product substitutions or supply chain disruptions. It supports the transfer of real-time food and
nutritional data, enabling operators to accurately adjust menus and update ingredient information and
in so doing, confidently deliver an exceptional customer experience in that they are informed and
protected from any potential allergen risks. Keeping abreast of the latest allergen information, developing allergy-friendly menu options, and training staff accordingly and regularly delivers competitive advantage and relevance in an ever-changing market.

Allergen management is simply no longer a choice, but a critical responsibility we must fully embrace.
As new laws inevitably come into place, it’s time to elevate allergen management from a compliance
requirement to a core value that drives long-term success. Now is the time to take a step back, review
and refine processes and ensure allergen safety is a top priority. By prioritising the safety of
customers and investing in effective tech-driven strategies, hospitality businesses build trust, enhance
their reputation, and create a welcoming environment. After all, this is what hospitality is about, and
we have a responsibility to make sure it’s a safe place for everyone to enjoy.