Easily embed Ten Kites pages into your own website for display. You can do this by using our Snippet tool in Ten Kites, making navigation more accessible for your guests.
- Navigate to Publish and open the relevant unit
- Click the ‘Live’ tab to see live menus under your desired output
- In the top bar, beside the red x delete button, you will see the Snippet tool:
- Click this to view Snippet installation instructions
- A popup will appear with a script to input into your website and embed the menu:
- The system will automatically insert the script based on the output and unit chosen
- Copy this text using the clipboard icon in the bottom right
- Insert it into your website before the end of </body> text
- Next, copy the shorter k10 code and insert it before the main body text
After refreshing the page, Ten Kites will show embedded into your website.